Rainer Becker's 1955 Porsche 550 Spyder 1500 RS at the Ace Cafe

08 Jan 2020

Rainer Becker's 1955 Porsche 550 Spyder 1500 RS at the Ace Cafe

I took this picture of #550-0020 at the Porsche Night at the Ace Cafe 

According to type550.com:

"550-0020 was the fourth customer type 550 spyder built by Porsche in Zuffenhausen and completed on the 2nd February 1955, with Type 547 engine number 90006. The body was painted blue with white tail darts and a tan interior.

It now belongs to Rainer Becker the co-founder of Zuma

view the full article and photos here: http://type550.com/history/chassis-number/550-0020/


Classic Racing Cars
James Dean Porsche
Mille Miglia
Porsche 1500
Porsche 1600 Super
Porsche 356B
Porsche Prototypes
Porsche Racing Cars
Porsche Speedster
Posrche 550 Spyder